I left Penticton at 5am Monday, and arrived in Williams Lake around 10:30am. I met up with Phil at the Harris's Sparrow spot, but try as we might, we could not find it! There were loads of White-crowns, Purple Finches, goldfinches, siksins, and a Downy Woodpecker, but alas no Harris! "Oh well, I guess I'll try on the way down." Besides, I knew I had a shot in the fall. "Time to get up north for the main target!"
Around 2pm I rolled into the Superstore parking lot in Prince George where a group of the city's finest birders awaited-- Sandra Kinsey, Laird Law, Nancy Krueger, and Carolyn McGhee. We all loaded into one vehicle and headed to Vanderhoof, where after a quick pit-stop near the Nechako River we arrived at "the pond." After a few nail-biting seconds we rounded the corner, revealing a group of 20+ white geese out on the water-- the SNOW GEESE that the Ross's Geese had been consorting with... hopefully they were still in there! We got the scopes out and sure enough, there were 5 smaller white-headed geese... ROSS'S GEESE. After a huge sigh of relief, I pumped my fists and let out a loud "YESSSS!!!" Here is a photo of the Ross's Goose crew:

And here are the geese (note the small size, smaller bill and pure white heads in comparison to the big snowies)
After about 5 minutes of watching the geese a large truck drove by and all the geese took off and flew away! Where did they go? I have no idea but I consider myself VERY lucky to have caught up with them!!! There were many other duck species in the area as well as some newly-arrived swallows including my BC year firsts: CLIFF SWALLOW and NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW.

We finished off the day by checking Nulki and Tachick Lakes (of Ross's GULL fame), as well as a few marshes. Highlights: My first PG checklist area REDHEADS, several YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS, and BLUE-WINGED TEAL (the first time I've ever seen this species before Cinnamon Teal in a year). On the big lakes there were hundreds of GREATER SCAUP, RING-NECKED DUCKS, BUFFLEHEAD, and other divers, while the trees and bushes were filled with WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS. Up in the sky we had a few raptors: BALD EAGLES, OSPREYS, RED-TAILED HAWKS, AMERICAN KESTRELS, and always a treat: both ROUGH-LEGGED and SWAINSON'S HAWKS on the same day!!! A fantastic outing-- Thank you Sandra, Laird, Nancy, and Carolyn!!! I'm sure I'll be back soon.
Ah Vanderhoof. Always a good time. I can't imagine what birds would turn up if there were any birders that lived there. Definitely in my top 10 birding spots in the province, though a certain pink gull may have something to do with that ;)
ReplyDeleteYes indeed. The only pink I saw out there was on the legs of a Herring Gull. Not quite the same!
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ReplyDeleteHi warbler, that's a fantastic record for the Okanagan! It definitely wasn't a Say's Phoebe right? Well I'll see a bunch of Easterns up in the Peace this year but I've never seen one down in the valley so I'll have to check this right away. I was actually at Rd 22 yesterday on the 5th and obviously missed it! I assume you saw it on the 5th since 3pm May 6th hasn't happened yet?
ReplyDeleteNext time call me right away (250-488-3200 as posted) since I'm sure many locals would love to see this bird, and I don't get to check comments on my blog with regularity.
Russ Cannings
Penticton, BC
Sorry to get back so late; I read this infrequently. Yes it was the 5th that the Eastern Phoebe was seen. Reporting here was not just for your benefit. The phone numbers I had were outdated and this was the last alternative for reporting the sighting. I knew it was of no consequence for your Big Year. You can read about the phoebe at my pseudo blog. http://picasaweb.google.ca/Warbler2020/Myblogsite#5469287806829088882